Daily Life

Colour Me Pink

20140118-231252.jpgWent out with my favorite! #DoubleUmmi day out. Went makeup hunting. Spent over my January budget but hey, why not?

Got myself elf Mechanical Eyelash Curler. You know I am a big fan of elf! It comes with an extra rubber and I got this from Paloma at $7.90 only!


We went around and tried different lipsticks. I, somehow got my eyes on the pinkiest pink I can get. I don’t know why. I actually wanted to stay away from that shade. Tried Holika Holika’s, I love the shade but since it is matte, and my lips were quite dry, it looked terrible. But I will get one from them one day. Tried The Face Shop’s as well but the shade is funkier than Holika Holika’s. So we skipped both.

Went straight to The Body Shop since I was looking for a gift for someone and I ended up with one for myself!

Bought The Body Shop’s Colour Crush Lipstick – in Redhot Raspberry for me and Damson In Distress for someone. I tried Passionate Pink and Redhot Raspberry and settled for the latter.

20140118-231336.jpgI absolutely LOVE the packaging!



20140118-231417.jpgRedhot Raspberry in flash

20140118-231424.jpgRedhot Raspberry in natural lighting

The photos don’t do any justice on how beautiful the shade is (also please excuse my asian pose.)


20140118-231446.jpgHow the shade looked like on me under yellow lighting

There’s discount when I purchased these. I got the lipstick at $15+ each. Actual price is $19.90.

I think I should stop purchasing makeup for the time being. It’s not even February yet!

The grass might be greener on the other side. Might be.


(Yesterday’s OOTD – shawl by Shawlbyvsnow in Antique Ruby, shoes from Jelly Bunny)

“When you spend your days chasing a “greener” pasture or just about anything really, you will forget to enjoy the chase.  When you’re constantly focusing on how things could be better, or how to make your next step, you never take the time to appreciate all the love and beauty that already surrounds you. The grass you currently occupy is as green as you’ll ever need it to be.”


A farewell

I hate, hate, hate goodbyes. I had to say it when I left Mr Baker one and a half year ago. And now, I have to say goodbye not only to the company, but to everyone whom I’ve worked with, hangout with.. Of course, this won’t be the end (considering the fact that I am clingy hahahha!)

I know I didn’t say much when I gave my speech during our farewell lunch – karang menangis ku sana, siapa kan memujuk? Hahaha! Also, kamu, please jangan nangis reading this.  (also excuse broken english ku sini)

I will miss my messy desk the most. Yep. Tempat suka duka ku.07b60d8842cb11e3ae7f22000ae912b7_69629ff50227f11e3abf522000ae801e0_6125fccf0106811e3bd9022000a1fa522_6

First thing first, thank you EVERYONE for welcoming me into the department, into the family. Thank you GK, Hjh Jun, Ka Sukinah, Alvin, Hadi and Laila. Although we didn’t spent that much time together, it’s been a pleasure to have you guys around me. And sorry Hadi pasal selalu jadi mangsa bully ku. Hahaha!


(awu gambar sama bos pun aku bulih beulah, hahaha!)

To Izat/Ka Izat, thank you for helping me out from Day One. For guiding me through everything. For dengani lunch masa everyone abandoned me for training Smile with tongue out For listening to all my kusut every single day Ummi wasn’t around (pasal Ummi paling sanggup ‘terpaksa’ melayan) hahahha!


Dayah, thank you pasal melayan karenah ku yang macam-macam. Thank you for all the advices you’ve given me and guiding me for my presentation, while writing MOM masa meeting. Everything!


My future sister in law I mean Azy, dengan begossip (oops! hahaha), part of the #clingyfriends #frieskluada, I’m sorry that you had to bear with my nonsense most of the time (since I sat behind you). Thank you thank you thank you for bringing in jars of Speculoos for me! ilabyou! Nanti hi-tea lagi okay? Must. Update. Me. With. Everything. #pasalakuclingy


Ummi, the one who had to deal with me the most. Dari 7 pagi sampai balik, and after office hours jua. Haha! Thank you for dealing with me mengusut, listening to my curhat, dengani jogging, dengani satisfy all our food cravings, dengani liat wayang, dengani everything! You have been a super duper good sister to me. Thank you for all the advices, for helping me go through all my ups and downs. For belanja-ing me every now and then. For letting me stay at your place whenever I got too scared or too lazy to drive back home. For teaching me basic makeups, and getting me the wonderful brushes! Thank you for being someone I can be crazy with. Thank you for all the motivational speech you gave me. For insisting me to ‘jangan nangis!’ whenever I am down. Also thank you for letting me be clingy with you (sekali inseparable tarus. kemana-mana, mesti jua muka kitani dua) Thank you for everything! But this will not be a goodbye (pasal clingy and I know where you live. boh!!! hahaha) #DoubleUmmi



And thank you to those who made me get involved during the emblem night. Thank you Alex, Zahidah and Ifah, it’s been a pleasure knowing you guys. You guys are awesome!

Thank you Zul and Aziz, the two men who insisted on calling me “Sharifah”, who came to me kalau behajat (by that, behajat mencari makanan), selalu menjaling and then laughed whenever I get ‘mad’.

Abby, who kept insisting me to join netball (and yes, I did), and Ari, the two men who had to layan aku early in the morning the whole time Ummi was having her training. Thank you!

Matthew, who sometimes I had awkward moments with, I guess you will be reading this since you found my blog. Thank you for being such a nice friend in BSP. And you with your random acts like playing with my train keychain, or my purple monster, or every time you tried to make jokes (and you failed hahaha!)


The friends I’ve made during netball – thank you for helping me out the whole time, teaching me how to play, for understanding how I suck in playing the games.


Alya, who I just met recently after finding out we work at the same office during our Google+ Hangout. Thank you for the drink! It’s a shame that we only know each other when I’m almost done with my attachment program. But we’ll definitely meet again in the future!


And thank you IBA/2 Family for the sweetest Farewell Gift. For organizing the farewell lunch. For everything!


To those I did not mention, thank you, for everything! It’s been an awesome 23 weeks with all of you. I will miss working here. And I hope to actually work with any of you in the future. So, do pray for my success.


Oh December!

Can’t believe it’s December! I’m now counting days till I’m done with attachment – quite sad to leave, so not excited to go back to lectures, assignments, exams! Ugh!

And I am sorry that I haven’t been updating this blog with the food reviews I’ve promised. I will. I will. No worries!

And when I thought I am out of luck, I am blessed enough to still win giveaway and competition.

I won two $10 vouchers all the way from @cafemaurina for winning Brunei Foodies’ photo competition a few months ago – which I finally redeemed last week!


Tried her Salted Caramel No Bake Cheesecake, Lavender Honey No Bake Cheesecake and Banoffee Pie.

And I won a make-up giveaway from QuestJen which arrived just in time for my department’s Emblem Night! (since my last post on my basic makeup stuff, it has grew into even more and more! Been trying to learn makeup with my colleague, so yay!)


The giveaways includes Suki Eyeshadow Palette, The Body Shop Shea Body Butter, Chi Chi Real Minerals Loose Eyeshadow, Bourjois Effet 3D Max Lip Gloss in Rose Gold, Nude by Nature Soft Focus Illuminator, Viva La Nails Zebra Print Water Decals Nail Wraps and Femme Fatale Cosmetics Eye Shadow Sample in Polymorph.

So far, I’ve only used the body butter and Suki Eyeshadow Palette – Green, and Bourjois Effet 3D Max Lip Gloss (which is quite glittery and you can actually feel the glitter on your lips, although the shade is nice). I am actually excited to use Chi Chi Real Minerals Loose Eye shadow. But then again, I’m still waiting for my brushes so….. that has to wait.

And not only that, sister bought me the best makeup I’ve owned. NYX Makeup Collection Inspired by The Mortal Instruments – City of Bones and NYX Butter Gloss.


Then again, reviews on all these new makeups will have to wait until I get proper brushes.

I’ve also been quite active at work. I joined Inter Asset Netball Tournament – thus making it my first sport and my first tournament. Yay! Achievement Unlocked. It was a great experience and I’ve made a lot of new friends.

And acted and danced during my department’s Emblem Night. Well it’s no surprise that I will end up doing that considering the fact that this was what I’ve been doing the whole life – acting, singing, performing, debating. Getting new experiences and trying new things ain’t bad you know. At least I get to know where I’m weak at and where I can ‘showcase’ my so-called ‘talent’.


That’s all for now.

Chickey heading out. Adios!


Hi! I know, I still have a few more blog posts on my Seoul Trip and a short write-up on Johor. I’m currently doing my attachment program at BSP for my Semester 3. So I’m staying at my cousin’s place in Telisai during working days and go home on Fridays. Keep looking out for my updates through twitter Smile Nothing much has happened, I turned 19 a month ago (July 10!), went to Johor for a short vacation, started working. So I’ll try my best to blog and whatnot. Oh! I also just found out that one of my Instax photo was featured on Instax Mini 8 Review on Lomography.com! Yay! 10 I guess that’s it for now. Happy Eid Mubarak to my dearest Muslim readers!

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f62106b67f1811e291a022000a9f13ef_6And semester break is finally here! I am actually quite scared about my result but let’s just enjoy the break. The past few weeks, well.. months, has been quite hectic. We had a lot of assignments due mostly on the same week, endless tests and of course, the exam. These also means that.. my bad habit is back. A lot of midnight snacking and unhealthy diet. Too much junk food. And the fact that I haven’t gone to the gym since January makes it even worst.


Anyways, I’ll be bombing this site with endless food posts. As for now, I’m gonna finish off several more episodes of the anime I’m watching!

Hold on till May


Note: You may skip this post. I just need to rant.

Is it just me or I like to blog during exam week? I guess writing makes me forget the day for a second. I guess I’ve been forcing myself to revise too much, or been stressing out a lot that mama actually told me “Bawa bawa berehat, jangan luan dipajal belajar atu” (“Give yourself a break, don’t force yourself to study too much”)

So far I’ve done two of my papers, I have two more to go and one test. The first paper (Computer Systems) was do-able. I won’t complain much since I’m pretty much bad in this unit but I managed to understand most of the calculations the day before the exam – went to the school and cramped all the calculations in a few hours. Mad!

The second paper was this morning (Information Systems Environment) and it was a shitty paper, I tell you. Most of my friends texted me yesterday on how to revise and why all the information just won’t digest in our brain. And the paper was… ugh. Some did require common sense, but the rest… The thing is, some of the answers to the questions aren’t even in our notes. And what common sense, really? I died right after I read the first question. In the end, all I could say was “ah screw this sh*t!” and went out after 1.5 hour. So talked to the gang (the usual group who also comes out early) and everyone did complained on the same thing.


And awu, bekarih membuat meme ah.

Ah enough ranting for the day. Don’t worry! I’ve promised you guys updates when semester break starts. I have A LOT of food reviews to write for you lovelies!

p/s The title actually refers to my current favorite song by Pierce The Veil. Damn that song is addictive

Stuck in reverse

I know I shouldn’t be blogging right now but I just need to write. I’m feeling messed up, upset, depressed. You name it. I have this urge to get mad at people. I mean, really. It’s tiring to be nice when people never appreciate you.

Anyways, I decided to cut my hair again. Short. I miss long hair but whatever.


And spent quality time with mama. Went for a quick afternoon tea too, at CAM. Tried Norbi for the first time. Not bad.


Oh May come faster. I need my semester break already!


A foodie journey–4 years

I know I haven’t updated (excuse my usual ‘sorry for not blogging I’ve been busy’). I have tons of pending food posts but that can wait, for now. I have three more weeks till the end of this semester. I have 2 reports, 3 tests and 4 exam papers to go. So spare me some time.

Anyway, decided to give a short update because….. It’s my blog’s 4th year anniversary! I know! I just realized that. Although it’s not my 4th year blogging (since I started in Blogger) but WordPress has been a wonderful partner since day one.


And to be honest, it took me awhile to actually decide what kind of blog this will be on. At first, it was all my usual daily updates. And then I stopped blogging every now and then due to exams, work or uni. Started to turn this blog into a food and travel blog since last year (check on my food reviews and travel logs on the header-navigation section!). And to be honest, things have turned out well.

A friend of mine actually said to me ‘I salute you. For still keeping a blog. No matter how rare you update these days, you still manage to keep a blog, and write once in a while.’ I started blogging when all the hype began, when every population in Brunei has one. And now, it felt like the blogging era has ended. I won’t blame this on anyone really. I mean, everyone gotta move on at one point – and I am not saying that I have not moved on that I’m still blogging. I’m just keeping my passion alive. I’ve dreamt about being an actual writer, and thank you to blogging, I’ve not only improved a lot but I’m also a writer for a couple of websites.

And now, everyone in Brunei (well the whole world is!) is stuck with the era of micro-blogging, where it’s all about Twitter and Instagram (follow mine if you haven’t! @miiksy for both Smile ). We’re stuck with world of only 140 words per tweet, or live-update of our lives through Instagram. I am, too.

Blogging has given me a commitment. A big commitment. That is to keep this thing alive. I admit I’ve abandoned this several times, but I kept coming back. Because in the end, I know that writing is my passion. I am just not at the position where it’s good enough to be published on papers yet. Not yet.

Nevertheless, to cut the story short – to stop you from feeling asleep – thank you everyone, my dearest silent readers, blog hoppers, and loyal readers who kept waiting, who are patient enough to wait for my updates, who have been supportive ever since I started writing. I’ve made a lot of blog-friends, foodie bloggers, readers-now-friends. And I am glad that I found you guys.

Loads of love,



p/s Bestie and I, on the other hand, just realized that it’s been 9 years since we’ve known each other!