Daily Life

My complicated relationship with..


January 18, 2011

My iPod died on me. After a year. Oh wells.

I was super sad this morning. In fact, I was mourning. May you RIP iPod (Baby Love). I shall bury you with my other gadgets. You’ll be missed.

And I’m sorry that it’s easy to replace you. In fact, I replaced you too fast. And because of that, my other baby (Baby Rayyan) was replaced too..

So.. introducing my first baby in 2012… Samsung Galaxy S II.

May this new baby gives me a joyful year. I have yet to think of its name.

And may I.. don’t have to replace any other gadgets.. other than my laptop. I’ll get it if I get to Uni. And as for my camera, which already shows signs, I’ll deal with you soon. You’re still new. So you should be replaced in another thousand year.

And as for my wishlist.. a fisheye 2 pink for 2012.. that will be in my birthday wishlist *cough* take note everyone *cough*

My relationship with gadgets is complicated. We are inseparable but.. they always end up leaving me. Just like how real relationship is. #lesigh

I need a freaking job.

Off to another shopping gateway!

January 10, 2012


Sent Lulu and Lala (aka Abang and Adik) to the “hotel” vet today. They’re staying over there because all of us are going to Bandung and KL tomorrow. Oh, I am definitely excited! It’s gonna be fun. Bye bye real world, hello another shopping trip.

One last gateway before I start panicking about my result. To be honest I am scared to know what my result is. I’ve prepared my heart and soul if what I expected to happen.. happens. But I know I’ll receive tons of bombs from my parents.



January 9, 2012

Spent a great afternoon with this girl. It’s been awhile, spending it, just the two of us. We made another cover after months, this time we covered ‘Moves like Jagger’ (in conjunction with Bunang’s wedding…… haha!) Covered it in the hotel room they stayed in. Then went back to Jeah’s house and took a lot of random videos of the cats and her, ate ice cream and cake from the event.

I packed half of my stuffs already. My next shopping trip is on Wednesday! I still have my stuff from Singapore trip last week lying around and now I have to pack for another trip. And I definitely owe you people a post on Singapore, which has been sitting on the draft for days.. I’ve been busy, really. With Bunang’s events, going out, spending my days trying to do productive stuff. And trying to complete those stuffs on my to-do list. Oh, procrastination, go away!

side note: I permed my hair last month. I like!

Hello 2012!

I just got back from my trip to Singapore last night. So.. it’s finally 2012. I wonder what’s waiting for us in 2012.

January will be another busy month for me. I have another shopping trip to look forward to next week. I’ll be going to Bandung via KL, if I’m not mistaken I’ll be spending 11th till 13th in Bandung and 14th till 15th in KL. So, I am definitely excited! More shopping to do in Bandung. I’ve already thought some stuff I must buy in Bandung. Retail therapy is definitely the best thing girls can do.

I’ll be updating about my trip to Singapore, after I finish organizing everything I bought.. and after all other events are done. I have wedding events to attend this week and.. some SMARTER rehearsal to go for. So, it’s definitely another long week ahead before my next trip next week.

Till then. Ciao.

Film : Centuria Super ISO 200 – Expired

Sister’s Engagement Day

Because we both looked pretty that day, we deserve a post on my blog. Haha!

My gorgeous sister (be proud because I said that!) got engaged last November 25th to her boyfriend (now fiance) of 9 years. Thanks to the make up lady who made me pretty. Thanks to Lynnie who came and helped out. We really appreciate it!

This is a post full of pictures because this blog needs pretty pictures of me. All these lovely photos by photowho.org

I miss..

To be honest, I miss blogging. Not the way I blog now, but in the past. Updating every single day, writing what I did and reflecting everything. Just like writing a diary. I just don’t have the time anymore. More like, I’ve been procrastinating too much. I don’t put that much effort anymore. Maybe that was just a period of transition for me. I don’t know.

All thanks to Twitter and Tumblr, not only me, but pretty much everyone just don’t update blogs anymore. I remember the excitement I get whenever I find out someone actually reads my blog.

Anyway, I finally sent my film to be developed, my fourth film – Centuria Super ISO 200 Expired. To my disappointment, most of the pictures are severely overlapped or had major light leaks. Only few survived. Although so, I’m still hoping I can save enough money for a Fisheye 2 Pink to add to the family (and followed by a La Sardina). It’s like the cons of having analogue camera. It’s a surprise, whether you get a really nice surprise, or a pretty disappointing one. But I still have no regret. I just need to master the art of analogue photography. It’s something that helps me to get my mind off everything else.


Salam. It’s been awhile, isn’t it? I’ve lost my passion for blogging, thanks to the existence of our dear micro-blogging site, Twitter.

2011 is almost over, and I believe it’s time to reflect back to what happened this year, what I’ve achieved and whatnot.

It won’t be listed accordingly though, simply according to how.. I remember it.

2011, the year that gave me joy, gave me so much new experiences, and yes, a lot of breakdowns, happy moments. Met new people, lost some. Drama, seems like a must every year. In fact, 2011 has been a rather busy year for me, especially since I had my A Level Exam.

I will never forget the fact that I got the opportunity to be part of PTEK’s Student Council 2010/2011. Also, joining Choir club and meeting awesome people from the club, and joining the preliminary round, although we quit the final due to our exam. I’m also glad that I had the opportunity to lead Newsletter Club, although I wasn’t really a good leader, yet I am still thankful.

2011 also taught me to be thankful to everything I have, thanks to joining SMARTER’s Oddy’s Quest back in May. I now know how to appreciate things even more. I learn how to cooperate more, I learn how to communicate with the kids better. I am glad that I took part in the musical gala night, and yes, I am joining the sequel, again, as the backstage crew. Because of this, I am also now part of SMARTER PALS.

Following the night, we had an appreciation night. Although the kids were not around, spending time with the founder, the teachers, staff, volunteers and friends was worth the night.

And it doesn’t stop there, we went to their JP Outing as well! I will never end my support for SMARTER. ♥

What started all these? It was PTEK’s Sociology Charity Race for SMARTER. And that marked my first contribution to SMARTER.

I also went for a trip to JAPEM and Pusat Bahagia! Another fun experience, to be honest.

2011 also marked the year I started to be extra conscious with my body. I lost several kilos, and joined a walkathon, HSBC Walk Run Cycle as well as Standard Chartered’s Fun Run on my birthday.

I also made a new hobby. I now own a Diana Mini En Rose and you can see my albums on facebook – if you have mine – album 1, album2, album 3. I plan to buy a FishEye 2 Pink, InsyaAllah in 2012.

What’s 2011 without my birthday? Yes, I turned 17 this year. And I have about less than 7 months until my 18th.. until I’m finally legal! Had a surprise party by the girls -LMJ.

2011 also marked the 1st birthday for Waiz. And kid you not, he had two parties! First party and Second Party.

And what’s 2011 without a little adventure? Us girls went to Bandar, and spent the day there. We only got to visit our very own Royal Regalia. I hope there will be a part two in this adventure. One day.

And to be honest, the highlight of 2011 is… winning. I won five times this year. BruneiTweet+HSBC Photo Competition for the HSBC WRC, brunch vouchers at Season’s from UBDfm, BMobile goodies from UBDfm, BMobile Recharge Card for BMobile Twitter Competition and… recently, a Mini Chopper, the grand lucky draw I got during Jumanji’s Annual Appreciation Day.

I also got the opportunity to work alongside my Media and ICT Team during the 46th SEAMEO Council Conference and 6th ASED Ministers Meeting Cultural Night.

I was also featured in motivationmy’s website! And… my favorite blogger’s blog, The Asian Bimbo!

I also went to Jerudong International School to attend Shakespeare Day (album by Jeah). It was an honor! I love Shakespeare, to be honest. And yes, I own the complete edition of his artwork!

I was also in a play, alongside my Literature classmate, performing The Importance of Being Earnest. I screwed up the first part.. Everything went well but not the last act though. We successfully screwed up the last part. HAHAHA. It’s my first play after years not acting. I was definitely active acting back when I was part of Brownies.

Despite the fact that I’m no longer in high school doesn’t stop me from meeting my girls. We had about three gathering this year, or was it two? I’m looking forward to meet all of them again. Soon, InsyaAllah.

2011 also marked the year where I crossed off another thing from my bucket list. Going for audition. Lynnie and I went for the audition. Sure, we didn’t make it to the final, but I’m glad we had the courage to do it (although we did it twice) and we did Korean song! And no practice at all. Just a quick one in the car.

Although I wasn’t really a Kpop addict, only liking the song, and fangirling over SHINee.. it changed this year. Lynnie made me a total fangirl, especially over INFINITE. And yes, I still love SHINee.. and MBLAQ, but to be honest, I’m head over heel over INFINITE. So, I’ve been spending most of my days listening to their songs, watching their shows and such.

As much as I would like to think I’ve had only joyful things going on, I know I can’t deny the fact that many dramas had conquered me completely. Like.. finally getting in touch with my long lost bestfriend who ended up ditching me again. It was hard for me to take at first, but I guess I’m over it. It’s time to move on.

I also broke my iPod. Which is not even a year old.

And.. if you read my previous posts, yes I was in love. I thought after taking a break after 3 years, maybe I should give it a try again. I guess I was wrong. Love is blind after all. And that, I shall leave all that behind, along with all my 2011 memories.

2012, may it be a better year for me, for all of us. 

Although I promised myself to blog more in 2012, I know I can’t keep the promise. Even my January is already packed with a lot of travelling, wedding and rehearsal with SMARTER for Oddy’s Quest II.

I’m excited. I wonder what 2012 will bring me 🙂

I guess that’s enough for now. And sorry for lack of pictures.

Loads of love,



The girls (Lynnie, Miley and Jeah – LMJ) surprised me at my house yesterday. I knew I smell something fishy! I just didn’t expect them to…come to my house with a cake 😛 Apparently they called my mom to help out. Gaaah! >:3

They came around 11+ am, with a birthday cake which I enjoy a lot. Thank you, girls and Faris and everyone who was involved in this plan! Mum cooked us noodles and all. Then we asked her to send us to the Mall. We went to every shop there and Jeah pierced her ears. I had fun with the girls and a lot of things actually happened. But what happened there, stays there, k?

And I definitely satisfied my crave for Dim Sum. Yeah. OH! And I definitely had the best birthday gift ever…other than the surprise. LOADS OF COTTON CANDIES FROM JEAH! I love cotton candy so much I kept bugging everyone to get me cotton candy every single day. And now I have a week stock of cotton candy.

And we went for karaoke..for an hour. We love singing too much 😛

And again, thank you girls, for the advanced birthday surprise! And now I have the RunThatCares Run to worry about. Yes, I am running on my birthday!

my happy face 😛 busy taking pictures for instagram

I was busy on MSN when they surprised me..so yeah. I was still distracted with MSN


Miley and Waiz

Lynnie and Waiz


Kaka 'Jiah' (si tua! NYAHAHAH) and Miileh (Miley)


No, SMARTER posts hasn’t end yet. Well, we are now part of SMARTER PALS, so there you go.

We went to Jerudong Park on the 28th May, a day after I finished my exam. We were there to assist and/or shadow the kids. It was fun, hanging out with everyone!

Well, Jeah, Miley, Chim, Faris and I went for a walk around 7++. We played the swings and all. And BUMPER CARS! I hate the songs they played, really. And the ‘ride’ was quite short. But we had fun, nevertheless. And yes, being a party pooper I am, I get tired so easily. I even refused to walk around after that. I mean, really, don’t you know how big JP is, and how far bumper car’s place is? 😛

I’ll have to wait for photos from Jeah, but here’s picture from Hetty and Diin! Diin, I love your pink fish eye! And that will surely go under my wishlist!

SMARTER Oddy’s Quest

Hi guys! What up?

Haven’t been updating. Been busy.

I did one of the greatest thing, this year. And that’s to volunteer, working for SMARTER’s Musical Gala Night. It’s not just volunteering. It’s like having a new family. Playing with kids with autism. At some point, you just don’t know that they’re autistic. They just give you random hugs, usually as a thank you sign. Or simply a thumbs up.

This event made me closer with the close ones, and the new friends I made. I am now closer with Jeah and Miley. I now talk to school mates I never talked to or rarely talk with. Yes, Dinie, Zoul, Hetty, Kumar, Eyah, Nina, Baby. Everyone, really. And since we’re under costumes, Safwan and Nabilah had been a great ‘boss’, really. Although it was hectic, working backstage, I miss it. I miss the people, the teachers, the children. I miss walking around Empire, going on the buggy with the girls. Singing Bruno Mars’ Grenade and Just The Way You Are.

Thank you so much for everything. Thank you SMARTER for the great event. Thank you Helping Hands for this great opportunity to join you guys and help SMARTER. Thank you UBD Pals, for being so nice to us.

The Appreciation Night was great as well. We had it at Aiko Sushi. And no sushis involved. All the dancing, singing, laughing.

Thank you to Madre and Padre Jeah, for the ride. Also to Miley’s parents as well. And Baby, thank you for the ride to Aiko Sushi, and home.

(picture credit to the owner) Miley, Me, teachers, teacher Aziz and teacher Arlene.

No, not much picture. It was busy.

And last but not least, to my parents. Thank you for letting me out. For letting me volunteer, not that you have the chance to stop me from volunteering 😛 But thank you for the trust of letting me out and help out, being with the children, experiencing something different. Something I never did.

I love everyone 🙂

And here’s our backstage video! Thank you to the owner of the video, who uploaded this 🙂