Daily Life

Ummi Can Cook

For the past few months, I’ve been trying to learn how to cook… starting from easy-peasy pastas. And then, in December, I made up my mind that I should totally learn to cook. So, I ended up spending my December cooking…… KOREAN FOOD.

Probably because I found some good easy recipe (special thanks to Aeri’s Kitchen for the guidance! And several other websites and youtube videos!)

I watched the first season of Family Outing, and there was an episode (or episodes) where Lee Hyori made Potato Pancake (Kamja Jeon – 감자전).. It sort of worked. Along likes it while Angah doesn’t. It was easy to make though.. Here’s a simplified one:

“Peel and dice potatoes (around 4-5, no need to boil), put into blender until smooth, add about 1 tsp of salt, put some on heated frying pan (add oil/butter first, of course!) and serve! Makes about 5-8 pancakes depending on how much/size you make.”


I also made a Korean Pancake (Pajeon – 파전) (as I am writing about this, I am craving for the Seafood Pancake we had in Koryo!) As for this, I used my own recipe as I found different recipes with different measurements. So I called this Pajeon Ummi Style – and it was extra spicy! Yay!



And then I found another recipe of Korean snack/street food called Hotteok (호떡). It took the longest to make but probably the best I’ve made. It has cinnamon, ground peanuts and brown sugar fillings. So it was definitely good!


I found Kimchi at Hua Ho (product of Brunei! Quite pricey though – $6+).. and I found out that I don’t like Kimchi on its own, although I don’t mind eating it. So, I took the left over and made ‘em into Kimchi Fried Rice. I did not search for any recipe and simply followed whatever’s on my mind and it still ended up tasting superb.


Currently thinking what else I should try cooking.. Yums!

Gandara Spa, Batu Bersurat

It’s a different review this time, not a food review (but do check out tomorrow’s post as I have found a new favorite cake shop!)

For the past few months, I’ve been waking up with bad heel pain, sometimes back ache. A few days ago, I went for massage for my lower part (legs, that is!). It was good, but then, I crave for something that feels even better and relaxing.

Being a student, I can’t exactly afford a grand-spa-experience such as in Thann Sanctuary (which is now in my wishlist!). Sister asked me if I wanna go for a nice massage session. So I booked two spot for the two of us.

To be honest, I did not expect much, and this was my first ever experience going for a full body massage. This spa is located above Modesto. It’s very easy to find. Make sure you call to make reservation first!


Once I entered the place, the first thing I saw was the fully decorated reception area (it’s Christmas!), and soothing background music. She welcomed me with a big smile and reconfirmed that I booked for a 3.30pm treatment.


We were asked to fill in a form, for their record, and were given a customer loyalty card, which they kept for us (free treatment after 10 chops! Yay!). We were then asked to sit in the waiting area, where I assume the room for reflexology treatment. She asked if we wanted some tea, too!


And then, we were brought to a room on the left side of the reception area where we had our massage treatment. The room had two big chairs and three beds, a small cubicle to shower and change your clothes.


We had the Aromatherapy Swedish Massage. It costs $30 per hour, but apparently there’s 10% discount (I asked her until when the promotion is valid, but I think it’s going on until forever, until they announce it if there’s any changes)

The massage was definitely nice for me. They did some stretching and what not, put hot packs on your back while they’re massaging your legs and sometimes ask “Okay, maam?” while massaging. Overall it was a nice experience.

They don’t have much treatments but I think I will definitely come back for more massage.


2012, so far..

First thing first.. If you haven’t realize yet, I’ve created a page with list of food/places I’ve reviewed. Click here!

I have to say, 2012 has been the best year I’ve ever had so far. My gap year, working life and finally entering university. Although, to be honest, it wasn’t as I expected it to be, I have no regrets.

In January..

I spent my new year – 1st till 4th – in Singapore, shopping and paid a second visit to Universal Studio, with the sisters (first time visiting USS was in 2010 with Naz and Zati).. And then January 11th to 15th, I did a shopping trip to Bandung and it was amazing!


I also volunteered for another SMARTER event, the sequel of last year’s Oddy’s Quest. Met more new volunteers, had much more amazing experience! I miss my costume crew already!


Also my twitter name was mentioned by Syaf on BernamaTV’s BERNAMA TODAY. A 10 seconds fame right there 😛


In February…

Got myself a job at Mr Baker’s Bakeshop! And met Wu Chun (this is probably the bazillionth time I posted this but who cares, I met Wu Chun!)


Also met wonderful people at the bakery. I had awesome boss, awesome work mates, awesome work place.

(..and I went through weeks of hiatus because of work..)

Also this year, I got myself a Fisheye No 2 Pink! Her name is Giggle by the way!


As part of my gap year, I also paid a visit to Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Hong Kong! (Do click the names to read posts on the places I visited)


I am also now an official student of Institut Teknologi Brunei. 😀


I also lost a family of mine, my other half, my darling bee, my sayang…


Also found out from Hikmah that Jumanji used my two pictures on their banner for TechXpo. And also found out that they did put my video on the website…. D:


Oh! I also started gym this year!


And of course, not to forget, we now have a new member of the family, born on the 1st of November.. Wazir Mu’taz

67669_10152339480105160_1710577056_nAlso, I turned 18 and got myself a driving license. Ahem! 😛

What I’ve learned from 2012? I don’t know really. People come and go. Being in love with someone doesn’t mean you have to be with him (as quoted from a friend of mine, “Cinta tidak harus memiliki..”). Whatever things I’ve learned, or mistakes I’ve made, I’m sure I’ve learned or still learning from em. What stays in 2012, shall stay they way it is. All I’m gonna do is preparing myself for 2013, for a better, much more challenging year.

Thank you everyone for making my 2012 a lot more interesting, challenging, heart breaking. It’s been awesome.



Let’s just..

Had my Pre-orientation early yesterday. And I have to attend the orientation later (it’s midnight as I’m typing this. I’m exhausted but I can’t sleep) and Saturday. Spent a couple of hours at bestie’s place to fill the form, catching up with each other and… sleep. Actually slept for a good half an hour before bapa called to fetch me from her place.

To be honest I am actually excited about going back to school. Not the stress and assignments but.. having something to keep me busy again. I miss working, to be honest. I miss everyone in JPMC. I miss everything.

Le bestie and I are officially together again. Staying at the same campus again, although she’s doing degree and I’m doing HND. Our mummies are happy that we’re both gonna be around each other again. I hope we can spend time together more often since we didn’t back in our A Level years. Almost 9 years with this girl and she really understands me that well. “Let’s grow old together!” “We’re old, omg, look, we’re in uni!”

Still having a hard time to accept the fact that we’ve grown up but here’s to the better future, here’s to more rajin Miiksy (ahem! Like said every year. whew~)

Good night, lovers. I’ll be back in no time.

Another chapter.

Closed another chapter, moving on to another chapter. It’s been 5 months since I worked at Mr Baker’s and officially ended my “working life” this afternoon. It was tough saying goodbye. Not that I won’t go to the bakery anymore, but the fact that I’ve gained so many memories there. 

I’m gonna miss all the friends I made at JPMC. The call center people, si boss, gym people, front desk, ambulance people, ‘front liners’.. pretty much everyone. I’m gonna miss going to the gym after work. I will go back to gym as soon as I get my school stuff done. And until I get my license. But until then, I won’t be seeing those familiar faces.

I remember the first two weeks I stayed in Batu Bersurat branch. I met Wu Chun. Oh yes, I was crazy excited.


I’m gonna miss Bu Ari. Teman Curhat, other than Glenn. She was the one who trained me since Day 2 till I get to JPMC. My one and only Ibu there. 

And I will miss those days when I get to try pretty much everything we sold at le bakery. Ok lah, not everything, but.. I remember it was quite a fattening week for me.

I’m gonna miss Ka Sarah… and her loudness! She fed me way too well during my first two to three weeks there. Until I decided to go gym and ‘diet’. Then she just fed me moderately. She’s like, the best food buddy ever. 


I’m gonna miss Glenn. The guy I spent more time with. From 12 pm until I finish gym. The guy who advised me on… relationship. HAHAHA. The guy who knew about the crushes I had in JPMC. LOL! The guy who knew what I like and dislike. The guy who sometimes treat me macam princess, not letting me do this and that, but this girl never listens to him. Well, he never listens to me too. And before he left for his vacation back to Pinas, he decided to ‘rape’ my camera, so now my gallery is full of his pictures. HAHAHAHA!Image

I’m gonna miss all my girls too. Although I don’t actually spent much time with them due to the distance that separates us.

I’m gonna miss Tiqah, my first friend at the bakery because Hazman refused to talk – or  he was too quiet – and I don’t know how to start a conversation with him and Khiri. OMG I miss Khiri! And Kit, who left early. I remember whenever I come to main branch before going to Airport Mall branch, the people start to kacau me and Kit. “Kenapa Syahirah? Rindu Abang Kit kah?” Then he started singing jiwang song to me. HAHAH! That guy. 

I’m gonna miss Madam Mozel. She hugged me before I left. “Madam jangan nangis ah? I’ll be back….. for my gaji!” HAHAHA! And Papa Abe too. I guess being the youngest (and super manja), sometimes I feel macam kana spoil kan saja di sana. I’m gonna miss Papa Leong and his “jadi bini ke tiga ku” jokes. Even today, he still made the same joke.

I’m gonna miss everyone really. 


Working made me learn a lot. The joy of getting your own money from all your hardwork. Having friends and knowing that everything gonna work if we all work as a team. Everything made me realized how hard life is. Sometimes I go home feeling angry or emotional, if my days don’t go as I planned it. Baru jadi cashier, sudah macam kan tinggi darah, apa lagi keraja banar banar. Everything made me appreciate what I have. 

I will miss everything. 

And now, another chapter gonna open for this girl. Got a place for myself in ITB (Alhamdulillah! It was nerve wrecking waiting for the list after the crazy interview I had!). I’m still waiting for Polytechnic’s. Either way, I’m very excited for back-to-school shopping. And studying. Here’s to another 2 years of stress, assignments, more memories, more of everything!


Oh June

When was the last time I updated this little baby of mine? It’s been a while ah… I’ve been busy. Well, been making myself busy. Work from 6.30++ till 5pm, gym right after that till 6.30pm. Home for dinner after that and sleep right away.. Or filling it with one or two episodes of series then sleep. And the cycle just goes on and on and on….

Also a lot of things had happened when I was away from here. He’s back, again. Not sure how it will go this time but I’m hoping for the best.

Also… I’ve crossed off another one from my wishlist… Got myself a Pink Fisheye No 2! Wheeeeee~


A lovely girl, isn’t she? Now Baby Sunshine (my Diana Mini En Rose) has a little sister! Her name is Giggle. Because it makes everyone giggle whenever they see her 🙂

Also do expect an update from me by the end of next week. This lady and my Giggle are going for a nice gateaway. I am going to Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Guangzhao. Will be restocking my films to bring there. And of course, digital camera is a must bring. Hah! It’s gonna be a visiting trip rather than shopping trip but I am still excited. Giggle gonna take a lot of precious shoot there! And I miss shopping in Bandung already!!!

Bah.. Till the next update. I miss blogging! And sleeping all day long and do nothing productive!


Yet another review

Bought another ticket for another shopping gateaway. Yay! I am tired from work and as usual, I just wanna cut my feet off. Sakit! I should buy myself a better shoes for work. And pants. And I’ve been super pissed because of school stuff. My day off on Monday yet.. No rest. I need to go to school, DST to register Hecas, court, photocopy this and that.. Take my negatives from the shop.

Anyway, here’s another review, obviously on Mr Baker’s because it’s the only place I go to everyday… And please ah, I pay myself. So.. Reviews only when I say it’s good and I have money. I realize a lot of people buy the Red Velvet. So I should buy one.. After I get my first pay… And I need cash to develop and buy more films for my Diana Mini. Oh wait.. Out of topic liao.. Let’s get back to review….

I’ve never tried the eclairs before. So my sister and I decided to give it a try today. My sister bought it first and after she tweeted me that it’s really good, I decided to use the last cash I have which I’m supposed to use to get my negatives and CD to buy one.


For someone like me, I prefer more chocolatey and sweet stuff. But for my sister, she likes it not too sweet. This is just perfect to her liking. And I have to agree with her, the eclair is really smooth and nice. She even told me to make a review on this one, and yes, it’s worth a review. Usually the eclairs are sold out by afternoon.. So you should grab yours earlier, it’s only 60 cents each.

From: Mr Baker’s Bakeshop

Item: Eclairs

Price: $0.60

Rating : 8/10

Also.. As usual, I always spend all my cash on.. food (duh!) so.. After the baker put Dark Chocolate Mousse… I felt like the mousse was calling my name.. Lol k exaggerating. So obviously, being me, I ended up buying one.


Now, if you’re like me, love dark chocolate, anything chocolatey, the sweetness is good enough to your liking (not the kind of sweet that will make you go diabetic) then this one is a must try. Inda rugi. I know I said this in my previous reviews but trust me.. When I say, it’s good.. It’s really good 🙂

From: Mr Baker’s Bakeshop

Item: Dark Chocolate Mousse

Price: $2.50

Rating : 7.5/10

There’s another one we always love.. Fresh Fruit Roulade. It’s not available most of the time though.. Just recently baru ada. It’s like swiss roll but with fruits in it. So.. If you happen to be at Mr Baker’s and this one is available, please buy it. Nyaman! It’s frustrating if you go there but nada 😦

From: Mr Baker’s Bakeshop

Item: Fresh Fruit Roulade

Price: $3.50 (or was it $3.00?)

Rating : 9/10

Alright. I’ve been yawning. I need to sleep. Exhausted!

You’re the apple to my pie.

January 30, 2012


While everyone was having their usual Monday blues, I enjoyed my Monday.

Firstly because this friend of mine mentioned my name on air, live, on tv. Hahaha! I knew Syafique not long ago. So, last night, he tweeted that he’s going live on Bernama Today early morning. I promised that I’ll watch him… well, I forced him to thank me because I said I’m waking up early just for him.

So, while watching, Elane Noor said thank you to everyone who’s watching. Then she started saying, this “someone who wakes up early just to watch the show.” (She was referring to me as I was tweeting with Syaf, her and BernamaTODAY last night). So Syafique said my name (well, my twitter name) “Miiksy! All the way from Brunei!” I didn’t really hear what he said exactly.. because I was already busy laughing to the fact that he mentioned me. CHANNEL MALAYSIA LAGITU. HAHAHA! Although I think other people who was watching would wonder “Siapakan lagi si.. siapa namanya.. misi? miksi? Inda ku kenal. Pemes kan tu?” 

Secondly, Lynnie tweeted that her mami made briyani for me. I didn’t expect her to deliver it to my house. The next thing I know, her adik and her were right at my door step bringing the food. Inda lagi message tu. Aku lagi belum mandi tu! Hahaha! Nasib sudah cuci muka segala. Thank you! Your mami makes the best briyani in town ♥ Generous lagi tu portionnya. It was sweet of her ♥

The journey..

January 19, 2012

We’ve been busy with SMARTER’s Rehearsal. We’ll be having a full-costume rehearsal tomorrow, starting at 6pm till night. Then, on the actual day, Saturday, we’ll be at Empire from 8am until the show ends. Despite the tiring day, being around the kids makes me happy. I’m glad that I still have the opportunity to volunteer, to be part of SMARTER family. If you haven’t grab your tickets yet, it’s still not too late!

Pictures credit to Miley.

Apa ada di Bandung?

It was actually kinda unplanned. The actual plan was just to go to KL. But then, the next thing we know, we bought tickets to Bandung, via KL.

Our flight to KL was in the morning. We arrived at LCCT around lunch time. Then, waited for a good few hours as our flight to Bandung was around 3pm. To cut the story short…

We arrived in Bandung on the 11th, arriving at Husein Sastranegara Airport. The temperature was around 23 degree Celsius, if I’m not mistaken. Trust me, you won’t drop a sweat there. According to our driver, it lasts until.. April? May? Right. I’m unreliable with sources.

What’s funny was the arrival “hall”. We got off the plan outside the building.. then as soon as we entered the “hall”.. well, that was already where we lined up for immigration. There’s only two immigration counters, one for local, the other for international.

After you passed the counter, just five steps to the right, there’s where you get your luggage. The space is reeeeally small to hold the passengers from one airplane.

What’s cool about Bandung.. they have a freaking pilot academy. So cool >.<

We arrived at the hotel around 6pm or so.. We stayed at Kenangan Hotel. The hotel is good enough, really. I like the environment, and it’s really near to the places we wanted to go. Most of the time, we used our driver though.. It’s easier since all of us are heavy shopper.

Because of the cold weather (cold enough not to make you sweat, but not too cold that it felt like you’re surrounded by AC) we don’t usually use the AC in the room. The room also has fan.

Outside the hotel, there’s always men selling stuff. They’re not allowed to go inside the hotel area, so they usually stay in front of the gate. Their price are usually almost the same with the ones at the shops, so if you need a last minute shopping for souvenir, you can just buy from them.

Also, the area has a lot of hotels nearby, ranging from the expensive-looking hotel to budget hotels.

Now.. what’s there to do in Bandung? Shopping, definitely! It’s way, way, way cheaper! First, there’s A LOT of Factory Outlets. It’s all branded stuff, except cheaper. People usually go to those along Jalan Riau.. and also Rumah Mode (pronounced as Mo-de). To start off the day in Bandung, we went to Merdeka Arcade Factory Outlet. Got my self few shirts there. Then we went to the mall in front of it.

We didn’t go shopping that much that night.

We went to Karamba for dinner. I think the driver always bring tourists to this place though. I like the environment there. Open-air kaliah! And the food is definitely great. The tempe and tauhu taste way different than Brunei’s. And not to forget, Alpukat Juice (avocado) and Juice Sirsak (durian belanda/durian salat/soursop) mesti order!

Also take note.. most of the shops close early. Always ask your driver about this. He would know what and where. He knows where to get stuff and such.

The next day, we went to….. Pasar Baru! Man, that’s like heaven on Earth. Well, not really. Everyone smokes at every corner of the building. So, that’s a minus. It feels like you’re gonna get lung cancer on the spot. But, hell, this is the place for all shopaholic. The building is uber big, and each floor has different purpose. If I’m not mistaken, Level 1 and 2 are for kain! So, we went mad kain shopping there. This is a must go place. Only if you don’t mind being in a crowded place, with a lot of smoke.. We spent the whole day there, from morning.. until the shop closes. We didn’t even go for lunch. We definitely bought too much.. even the hotel guy said “banyak nya..” and a lot of Malaysians go to Pasar Baru that some shopkeeper actually speaks good Bahasa and some accepts Ringgit Malaysia (RM). Also remember, you always have to bargain!

So after shopping, we went back to Karamba and had our lunch and dinner there. Can’t get enough of their food, really. And there’s free wireless lagi tu!

After filling our tummy.. we shopped at the factory outlets along Jalan Riau, such as Secret, Heritage, Unusual.. there’s a lot really. So, we just walked on foot, from one factory outlet to another. I think most of them close at 9pm or 9.30pm. And you can always leave your stuffs at the counter if you walk from one place to another, and they don’t charge 🙂

After tired shopping from morning till night, we.. had durian feast.We asked our driver to bring us to place with local durian. The super kuning durian is good! And kinda cheap, I think.

Most of our stuffs after shopping.. a lot of kains!!!

The next day, we went to Paris Van Java. There’s Zara, Topshop, Mark & Spencer, Carrefour.. mostly the branded ones. The toilet is a must go though. Open-air. Super nice. Amazing. Fishes. Everything. They definitely know how to use their amazing cold breeze. Save budget lah.

Oh! I made myself a new glasses in Pasar Baru. It’s way cheaper, really!

I also found this cafe.. and annoyed my dad the hell out of it. LOLOLOL. Man U for life.

This is my only favorite shop! They sell analogue camera (not from lomography though) and a bunch of cute stuffs you see on Tumblr! I regretted not buying this thing I wanted… #lesigh

Another shop we found there was this candy shop. They sell Korean ice-cream!… and Japanese, I think. Well the writings on my ice-cream was in Korean (glad that I learned hanggul! lol)

We rested a while at the sunflower village. There’s a place where you can take pictures (using their props and stuff, but you have to pay) and also a juice stall. Must, must, must buy their juice. It’s all fresh juice.

We went to Sangkuriang for lunch. The interior is nice and creative. They even have individual huts if you want to eat there. However, Karamba still has better food.

We then went to Rumah Mode, which is another must go place. The place is uber nice, trust me! And a lot of people, local and tourists. You can take pictures around. There’s even prayer room. There’s also other factory outlets nearby, within walking distance, just like Jalan Riau, but not as much.

Later then, we went to the mall next to Trans Studio. Trans Studio is like Universal Studio. One day, I wanna spend the day there! As for the mall, the security is really tight. It’s a big shopping mall with expensive shops. You know, those shops selling branded stuffs and such. So that’s why they are very strict with security.

Anyway, it was our last day in Bandung.. We went back to KL the next morning. The departure hall isn’t as small as the arrival hall though. In fact it looks quite nice. Although still smaller than Brunei’s, the interior is not bad.

Dear AirAsia, I hope there’s nearer flight to Bandung, instead of just KL.

That should conclude my days in Bandung. I will edit this post if there’s anything I forgot to write on.

View full album on my facebook.

I forgot to add one thing though. Bandung is also famous with Kartika Sari. But no worries if you don’t get the chance to visit. The airport also sells goodies from Kartika Sari, like the cakes and such 🙂